Thursday, July 12, 2007

Radiohead Album...finally?

Lord knows I'm a huge fan of Radiohead. While I don't profess to having a lock of Thom's beard or Jonny's arm brace, I'd consider myself a huge fan. However, they've been angering me recently. Mainly, because of posts like this on the band's website:

things are quiet here right now.

we are unable to explain.

nothing can be revealed.

we have not disappeared.

merely become invisible.

for a short time. we may be hiding in the woods.

meanwhile thebigask has set up an online video march
to hastle the government to commit to cutting our CO2.
which is a good idea i think. and you can post your own message.
so i'll have to do that. once i've found me camera.

Thanks Thom. I'm sure we can expect an album as soon climate change is vanquished, which, we'll all get on right away.
I don't have qualms with the causes they advocate - ok, scratch that, I can't stand the fair trade ads Thom did, nor can I stand his support of PETA. I'm a social liberal when it comes to humans, but I eat meat, often when listening to music. So when I have to think of Thom Yorke's twitching eye guilting me into putting down my chicken burrito, I get sick. Although, that might be due to my choice of burrito eatery. (Qdoba.)

The point is: Radiohead has finished mixing their 7th album and is in New York mastering it. One would hope for a speedy late August release, right? No. Remember kids, Radiohead is finished with EMI. Their contract finished after the completion of Hail to the Thief (and probably, more accurately, after the release of the Com Lag EP). So, it may be awhile. It might be November or later.

You're killing me guys. Especially if your live recordings carry over into the studio. If you haven't heard them, 15 Step shows promise, but the rest of it is fairly guitar based and....well, I don't know. I don't mind that, but I'm weary. Very weary.

But honestly, you spend three years on your follow up, it has to be good. right?


1 comment:

Mike F said...

I'm not too worried, though I'm very anxiously and eagerly awaiting LP7. No news is good news and so if Thom's biggest worry is the environment, I take it to mean that everything else is going as well as can be expected. I'm surprised they came all the way to NY to finish up, but with the current exchange rate it's so cheap here for them and they've contracts to sign.