Thursday, July 12, 2007

Budget Clarification - Please, correct this if you could.

I read Mike Hahn's post about the budget cuts and how the Assembly Republicans didn't actually cut anything. Sure, they only "reduced" the Senate's funding.

However, let's be clear - they did STILL cut the UW system's budget.

My point of clarification is this:
As far as I can tell, when looking at the Republican budget...

Delete=reduction from JFC budget.
Reduce=cut from the base.

Is this correct, or am I missing some other terminology?


Erik Opsal said...

I hope you've been following the comments in that post since I believe I debunked his claim.

The GOP budget appears to give more than Doyle's budget, but when you look at it more critically, that is incorrect.

Jason Smathers said...

I saw it, and couldn't believe how weak the argument was the begin with.

More spending doesn't mean appropriate spending.