Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hey Erik...About that ASM Book Sale...

I think I have another reason why that book sale didn't work out too well. I checked my inbox about 4 minutes ago and saw this:
Do textbook prices have you down…?
Low on Money…?

Well then bring your textbooks to the ASM/CALS Textbook Swap so that you can receive more money for your books than you would at a bookstore, and buy your used textbooks for less.

ASM/CALS Textbook Swap

When: Monday January 21st
Where: Great Hall Memorial Union
10am-12pm: Drop off books to be sold
1pm-5pm: Buy used textbooks

Yeah, that JUST came into the mailbox. I mean, I understand that mass emails might get a little clogged, but the day after? That's embarrassing. Come on ASM, get it together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Near the end of this piece: "However, Brian Rust, the communications manager for UW’s Division of Information Technology said sending a uniform e-mail to 40,000 students would cost $1,350." Someone should find out who foot the bill for the day-late email.